Monday, January 23, 2006

Cellphone Manners

Consider this - youre in a meeting and someone is making an important point. Tring or some other crappy ringtone rings shattering you concentration. Forgiven once cuz someone might have just about forgotten to switch the cell to silent. 10 second..damm same ring again.!!!!!!!!!

What is with some people and their cellphones. Do they forget that there is a mode called silent in their cellphones, and yes its there in the 1000 bucks or the 50000 buck cellphone. The first time it rings it pisses you off cuz it put you off what you were thinking at that time. if someone has ringed once he/she will call again. Cant people get that small thing. DuH

you can know the character of a person by such small things and i sure can make a decision on ya from that